Determining Authorship of the New Rochelle Anonymous Letter is a Means to an End

Determining Authorship of the New Rochelle Anonymous Letter is a Means to an End

DUBLIN, IRELAND (August 21, 2024) — My four-part series The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle might appear to be a quest to solve the mystery of who authored of the letter. It is actually about identifying the person law enforcement needs to question to determine Noam Bramson’s role in the whole affair.

The letter fit just a little too neatly into Bramson’s agenda to get revenge against Kathleen Gill, the person he believed denied him the Development Commissioner position in 2022, and to displace Adam Salgado, the person who took the job to which Bramson believed he was entitled. Start here and make up your own mind.

I was particularly excited about the opportunity to try out Author Determination software which I had read about years before when it was used to identify J.K. Rowling writing under a pen name. It is quite a tool for investigators.

There is plenty more to discover in the series:

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part I

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part II

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part III

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part IV

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