How Noam Bramson Was Hired as Sustainable Westchester Executive Director Part IV

Part IV in a 4-Part Series
Start at Part I.
DUBLIN, IRELAND (August 5, 2024) — To truly appreciate the irony of Noam Bramson being paid over $8,000 by the City of New Rochelle last fall while simultaneously working as a consultant for Sustainable Westchester, we need to take a trip in the Wayback Machine, back almost two decades.

As a bit of shameless self-promotion, this article, and the entire series, is a good example of why readers should support my journalism by subscribing to a Premium account. There is no one who has the institutional knowledge to write a story like this, who goes out and gets all the records, brings order to chaos out of what in this story was thousands of public records, and can place them in a context going back to 2006.
I am counting on at least one prosecutor at the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office having a Premium subscription so he or she can consider adding time-theft charges to whatever other charges they might be (hopefully and should be) considering and compel Bramson to return any money he took to which he was not entitled.
Let’s get into it…