New Rochelle Flag Displays & Ethnic Galas Devolve into Ludicrous Political Flexing

New Rochelle Flag Displays & Ethnic Galas Devolve into Ludicrous Political Flexing
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas" about French politics but he could have been talking about New Rochelle.

DUBLIN, IRELAND (February 20, 2025) — If you want to fully appreciate the ability of New Rochelle’s new leadership to go from a whisper to a scream, look no further than the now year-long struggle of the New Rochelle City Council to sort out a simple flag policy. Under the Mayor Yadira Ramos regime, she and her fellow Democrats have made a habit of making the simple complex by bringing chaos to order.

For more, see New Rochelle Flag Policy History 2024-25

Napoleon Bonaparte is reported to have said, "Du sublime au ridicule il n'y a qu'un pas"; which translates as “From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but one step". He meant moving from something that is excellent, noble, or of high quality to something that is absurd, trivial, or laughable. He was suggesting a drastic decline in quality, significance, or seriousness. Napoleon vividly captured the fall of the Ancien Régime and provided a way to describe the transformation of New Rochelle over the past year under the Rámos Régime.

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