Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound
February 19, 2023

Interesting Links and Pix from the past week hand-curated by Robert Cox for the enjoyment and edification of the Sound Shore Community.
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SCAPEGOAT: DeFiore, Scarpino, DiNapoli and the Looting of a $25 Million Estate in Westchester

Damon Maher on His Decision to Enter New Rochelle Democratic Mayoral Primary

Stella SWAT Team Raid by NRPD Results in ACD for Online Investor

THE PANDEMIC IS OVER: Tear Down These COVID Warning Signs!

WCPD RTCC & NRPD Team Up to Nab 2 Suspects in Hit-and-Run of PA Cop

New Rochelle Dems Endorse 5 City Council Candidates, Ramos-Herbert as Mayoral Candidate

New Rochelle Motorcycle Cop Nabs 4 Drivers at Once for Passing Stopped School Bus

New Rochelle Man with Black Skeleton Mask Arrested on Violence Assault of Elderly Man
EDITOR’S NOTE: This article had been updated from the original NRPD press release based on information from the defendant’s arraignment on February 16, 2023 in New Rochelle City Court including the Felony Complaint, victim statement, witness statement, order of protection hearing and bail hearing attended by this reporter. In other words, there is a lot more detail.

Arrival of New Pelham Manor Fire Truck

Mount Vernon Man Punched and Kicked by New Rochelle Police Detective Charged with Assault in NYC

Yonkers Man Arrested for Overnight Stabbing in New Rochelle

Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/17/23

Live Music is Better: Roundup of Artists Performing Live in Westchester County 2/15/23

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New Rochelle Man Convicted in Upstate DV Case
‘Music of the African Diaspora’ concert in New Rochelle celebrates Black History Month
Fake Instagram account posing as a hospital spreads rumors about Pelham students
Two Clinton Park topped out in New Rochelle
Iona University Announces Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Bring Back Objective Journalism
Vehicles Stolen From Car Washes In Mamaroneck: Police Looking For Suspects
Sneaky schemes clinch imprisonment for former New Rochelle investment adviser
Former VT Goalie from New Rochelle recalls 2007 shootings, massacre at Virginia Tech
New Rochelle creator of ‘Arrow Collar Man’ is subject of spring show
Board of Ethics Finds Emergency Council Meeting Violated City Code to Rye Mayor’s Benefit
Larchmont Police Blotter -Disturbing Calls
Judge upholds 16 year effort by IRS to collect from New Rochelle tax fraudster
DUI for Port Chester Driver Whose Car Had Temporary California Registration
RXR to celebrate topping out of Two Clinton Park in New Rochelle
OSHA fines Mars Wrigley after workers fall into vat of chocolate
Man charged after 200,000 Creme Eggs stolen from outside warehouse
Mail Man Charged with Stealing Packages in New Rochelle Indicted in White Plains SDNY
SpotCrime Map of New Rochelle 2/19/23

The SpotCrime map is produced here each week based on a long-standing partnership between Talk of the Sound and SpotCrime to track police incident report data provided by the New Rochelle Police Department. Get free alerts based on your neighborhood:

Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/10/23
Court Reporter’s Notebook: Cases Followed by Robert Cox 2/3/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/13/23
Recommended Reading: Talk of the Sound 2/6/23

Our Biggest Stories of 2022 – by Robert Cox
DEEP DIVE A Primer on Fentanyl Overdoses and Related Toxicology – Introduction

The Noam Bramson Ethics Transcripts: Final Summary with All Raw Transcripts

Timeline of Mayor Noam Bramson pursuing New Rochelle Development Commissioner Position
Inside the New Rochelle Police Department Clown Show – Table of Contents
Alec McKenna – Kamal Flowers Archive
Michael Vaccaro – Malik Fogg Archive

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