The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part II

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part II

This is Part II in a 4-Part Series

DUBLIN, IRELAND (August 3, 2024) — After I came to believe that the author of the Anonymous Letter was more than likely Robert Yamuder, I reached out to him multiple times, was ignored, then inundated with threats from his lawyer. To this day, he has never replied to me.

The lawyer said I had asserted “false and defamatory claims” and that if I wrote or even suggested Yamuder was the author of the Anonymous Letter, he would file a defamation suit against me in New York State Supreme Court. She said he denied being the author of the Anonymous Letter.

In Part III of this series, I will detail the legal threats. Part IV will describe the reasons why I came to believe it was more than likely Robert Yamuder who authored the Anonymous Letter.

Part I was about my use of forensic linguistics software to generate an Authorship Determination report: Flint AI Report on Unknown Author. The analysis found, within an 80% — 85% level of certainty, that the submission was authored by Robert Yamuder.

I would have liked to have had this analysis in March, but it was not until the end of June that I had enough writing samples from Robert Yamuder to create a single document of about 1,200 words with which to make a statistically significant comparison to the Anonymous Letter at just over 700 words.

On March 24, having decided to use forensic linguistics to analyze the anonymous letter, I made a Freedom of Information request to get writing samples for Robert Yamuder. It was the day before all hell broke loose with Mayor Yadira Ramos-Herbert moving to fire City Manager Kathleen Gill on March 25, 2024, and a week after the legal threats began.

This is the story — told through email exchanges with the City Clerk and Corporation Counsel over the following three months — of my battle to get 20 emails to use as exemplars.

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