The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part IV

The Mystery of the Authorship of the Anonymous Letter of New Rochelle Part IV

This is Part IV in a 4-Part Series

OXFORD, ENGLAND (August 9, 2024) — Even before running the Flint AI Authorship Determination software, I believed that the Anonymous Letter was more than likely written by former New Rochelle Human Resources Commissioner Robert Yamuder.

The timing, context, content, writing style and tone displayed in the letter, and a process of elimination based on who in New Rochelle had the sort of access necessary to interact with the two most senior officials in the City government led me to believe it was Yamuder. The reaction by Yamuder to my efforts to speak with him — repeatedly ignoring me then, when that failed, hiring a lawyer who made numerous aggressive, over-the-top threats — was a red flag.

Yamuder is not, however, the actual target of my investigation. Before the Anonymous Letter was sent, Yamuder was in contact with a City official carrying a grudge. That person, as I will explain here, is the actual target.

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