The New Rochelle Thimblerig — Part III

DUBLIN, IRELAND (November 1, 2024) — New Rochelle Development Commissioner Adam Salgado unilaterally authorized close to $200,000 for three events this summer involving third-party partners: WE Rock Lincoln Park (Lachonne Williams), Unity in the Community (Vivian Spady) and Jazz Under the Stars (Rocky Middleton).

Salgado did not seek City Council approval through a resolution, he did not obtain a Budget amendment to appropriate the funds, he did not include the events in the 2024 Event Schedule and Budget, he did not conduct a competitive procurement process for the three third-party partners, and, in violation of the City Charter, authorized tens of thousands of dollars in advance payments.
There are serious questions as to what happened to the money once Salgado disbursed it to Lachonne Williams, Vivian Spady, and Rocky Middleton.