The New Rochelle Thimblerig - Part IX

DUBLIN, IRELAND (December 3, 2024) — Sometimes, the articles write themselves.
New Rochelle Corporation Counsel Dawn Warren and Development Commissioner Adam Salgado have hired a lawyer to suppress my entirely accurate reporting and are now threatening a lawsuit if I do not “cease and desist” with my reporting on their corruption in City Hall. And not just any lawyer but Lalit K. Loomba, a guy who has worked for years as outside counsel for the City of New Rochelle. Which means Warren is now represented personally by a lawyer she has routinely hired using taxpayer funds begging the question, who is paying for all of this?
This trick has been tried before with me and readers know it has never ended well for the other side. I will be looking forward to discovery in any case that may come.
Here is the threat letter with the cover email.