The New Rochelle Thimblerig — Part XV

DUBLIN, IRELAND (December 20, 2024) — A few people complained that I am now giving the people coming after me with taxpayer-funded lawfare new nicknames like Dum Dum (Dawn Warren), Yip Yap (Yadira Ramos-Herbert), Loverboy (Adam Salgado) and Yadira’s Valet (Will Melendez).
Having moved forward with entirely frivolous legal action against me, taking money meant to pay employees to provide services to residents, to give Dum Dum and Loverboy a blank check to carry out whatever insanity they imagine might occur, I am not going to show them respect. These clowns deserve nothing but contempt and derision. I will visit upon them ten-fold what they are doing to me in trying to stop me from gathering news and information to inform the public.
If there is some doubt about the sheer stupidity of the people running the City, take a gander at the latest foolishness.