The New Rochelle Thimblerig — Part XVI

DUBLIN, IRELAND (December 23, 2024) — In Part XV, I published an email from New Rochelle Corporation Counsel Dawn Warren. I noted there was a lot wrong with her email, and even more wrong with the records in the attached PDF file. Before responding, I wanted to put together a list of all events that Dawn & Co. are lumping under “employee recognition lunches”. I asked readers for help.
Readers certainly came through with flying colors. The list is now about triple what it was on Friday.
Thanks to everyone who contributed.
I first entered information from the records I was provided on November 1 by Michelle Oliveros and December 19. I then added all the suggestions I received. It is now a fairly comprehensive list. I can now readily compare what I am entitled to have and what I was provided so far. It is quite a wide gap as I will explain below.