The New Rochelle Thimblerig — Part XXIV

DUBLIN, IRELAND (January 26, 2025) — In the olden days, when Chuck Strome and then Kathleen Gill ran the City of New Rochelle, meaning up until 10 months ago, I did not need a spreadsheet to keep track of my FOIL requests pending with the City of New Rochelle. This was, in part, because most of my requests were filled promptly (one glaring exception was Command Discipline Reports in 2021) and, in part, because they put out detailed press releases for things like appointing a judge to the New Rochelle City Court or hiring people into senior positions, so there was no need to request records, and, in part, because if I had questions about something I could just ask and they would answer. Add to that the current leadership are a band of moral bankrupts and criminals, and suddenly, I require a spreadsheet to keep track of the stonewalling of my records requests.